Saturday 26 November 2011

Work in Progress

The only problem with this freelance gig is the early starts. Oh, and also that we can't make enough money to quit our day jobs.

Other than that it's fantastic - you get to go to cool places, meet great people and check out interesting cars. All three happened today, with an early morning photoshoot on top of Mt Coot-tha in Brisbane.

We're really grateful to all the owners and friends who take the time and effort to get their cars spotless and then spend hours of their weekend hanging around with us answering my questions and moving the car 3 degrees east for Dan's perfect shot.

Spending this morning shooting Ash's Holden and hearing his story was great fun, and it sounds like he might have some old bikes we need to check out in the future. Dan is currently locked down in the lab processing shots while I try to write a few words that do the story justice.

Dan often gets asked what camera gear he uses, how he composes, how he processes shots. It's all Greek to me, but I can report that I took this photo with my beaten-up, ratrod Blackberry, using the lift-phone-and-click technique. I think it captures the moment though.



  1. Kind of glad I wore a belt now. Just manages to hide the plumbers crack.

  2. kinda thank heavens!!! this photo encapsulates you totally Daniel! - even though it does not have that perfect photographic quality about it!!!
